Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote in
 |>Byung-Hee HWANG wrote in
 |> <87ee13qxa1.fsf@penguin>:
 |> ...
 |>|> First install a true local resolver such as bind9 or unbound and then
 |>|> switch your system to use it instead of systemd-resolved. To switch to
 |>|> bind9 you could try my
 |On 09.05.22 16:21, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |>I use dnsmasq for almost twenty years.  On the laptop it listens
 |>on all ip netns namespaces etc and /etc/resolv.conf is "nameserver
 |>".  It locally caches but otherwise only contacts dnsmasq
 |>on my vserv VM (via VPN address "server=") where dnsmasq
 |>sits for real.  dnsmasq.conf is
 |dnsmasq it not a true resolver. It does DNS forwarding, which is unwanted \
 |case of mailservers because of DNS-based blocklists etc.

Well it can do a lot and even act authoritatively for some stuff,
it call itself a caching DNS server.  Note i use it, but it can
much more than i ever asked it for.  Which is true for all my
program use cases btw, even including vim(1) i use for so long.
(In the meantime i even use it to deliver DHCP in some network
namespaces, namely vm, and there i have the problem that it does
not act authoritatively for IPv6 even though it did assign an IPv4
address, which is a problem since by default many
things-to-be-resolved send out A and AAAA and only one is
answered, the other is forwarded, which is a nuisance .. but 'got
no answer a couple of months back .. IPv6 is disabled here, i had
to reread the RFCs and learn it anew.)

I do use _rbl_ stuff with and and
sometimes it even hits?  But i am not a postfix configuration
expert and may definitely falsely understand what you mean.

 |>I only use non-systemd systems and have no idea of that one.
 |>('Can understand why you would want to put everything in one, but
 |>do not like it.)
 |I guess systemd-resolved does the same, just different way.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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