On 18.03.22 12:35, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
I run postfix  3.4.14 (Debian Buster) with Amavisd-new as a pre-queue filter.

I would now like to add DMARC validation, done by the opendmarc milter in the after-Amavis smtpd instance.

This basically works: opendmarc inserts an "Authentication-Results" header.

I would now like to do something (e.g., reject) depending on that header.

On 2022-03-18 13:07, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
opendmarc can reject itself, if you configure it to.

On 18.03.22 13:46, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
Thanks for your response.

If the version of opendmarc that is included in Debian Buster is configured to reject, then it also puts "quarantine" mails in postfix' hold queue, which is not practical.

I guess you mean that mail from domains that have "p=quarantine" are actually held/quarantined.

opendmarc 1.4.1 has option to pass those e-mails.

I have filled bugreport asking opendmarc maintainers to upload fixed version to bullseye backports.

You should be able to compile working opendmarc version on buster too.

However, opendmarc milter requires those Authentication-Results headers for SPF and DKIM to be already present.  so you need spf/dkim milter(s) before opendmarc.

I use Amavis to generate and verify DKIM signatures, and policyd-spf-python to perform SPF checks.  That works, but means that the opendmarc milter must be run by the after-Amavis smtpd.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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