Dnia 10.01.2022 o godz. 12:54:46 Joachim Lindenberg pisze:
> Maybe some background (all summarization errors and judgments mine):
> German data protection authorities level define kind of four compliance 
> levels for email encryption
> 0 - no encryption and thus definitely illegal
> 1 - encryption (not clearly specified whether certs need to be validated)
> 2 - DNSSEC + cert validation or manual trust establishment
> 3 - PGP or S/MIME - which imho is neither practical nor more secure

Yes it is more secure. PGP or S/MIME is end-to-end encryption; only you and
the recipient of the mail can access its content. No operator of any
mail server is able to read your message. If you use only level 2, then
operators of both sending and receiving server (and any intermediate server,
if there are any) can have access to the message in plaintext form.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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