Wietse Venema:
> Lefteris Tsintjelis:
> > That is the impression I got. When delay rejects are on, in case of 
> > multiple rejections, the final rejection reason appears to always be the 
> > same even if a client rejection precedes a helo one for example(?). As 
> > much as delay rejects have some benefits, this can be a problem and 
> > possibly a drawback in some cases. I get the impression that all 
> > restrictions have to be evaluated(?) for example before the RCPT TO and 
> > this can consume more resources than simply rejecting based on the first 
> > reject.
> I must repeat: there is no evaluation after 'reject'. The first
> reject is final.

That is, the first reject in the context of smtpd_{client, helo,
etc}_restrictions, and smtpd_delay_reject.

Rejects for SMTP syntax and SASL login are evaluated separate from
smtpd_{client, helo, etc}_restrictions.


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