W dniu 21.12.2021 o 16:22, Wietse Venema pisze:
> natan:
>> Dec 20 14:51:19 m4 postfix/postscreen[5883]: warning: cannot connect to
>> service private/smtpd: Resource temporarily unavailable
>> Dec 20 14:51:19 m4 postfix/postscreen[5883]: warning: cannot connect to
>> service private/smtpd: Resource temporarily unavailable
>> Dec 20 14:51:20 m4 postfix/postscreen[5883]: warning: cannot connect to
>> service private/smtpd: Resource temporarily unavailable
>> Dec 20 14:51:20 m4 postfix/postscreen[5883]: warning: cannot connect to
>> service private/smtpd: Resource temporarily unavailable
> There is a limit in your operating system kernel, or in your Postfix
> configuration.
>> in main.cf:
>> default_process_limit = 1200 --> beacause i have many incomming e-mail
>> in master.cf
>> smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       1       postscreen
>> smtpd     pass  -       -       -       -       -       smtpd -o
>> receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
> postscreen tries to hand off each 'good' connection to an smtpd
> process. Apparently, there are not enough of smtpd processes to
> take those connections, and some kernel-internal queue is filling up 
> resulting in an EAGAIN kernel error code.
> Possible causes:
> 1) The default_process_limit of 1200 is too low. In that case a
> higher default_process_limit would help.
Hm I try up 20%

for local lmt port:10025 - 5 connection
for incomming from amavis port: 10027- 132 connections
smtpd - 60 connections (

ps -e|grep smtpd - 196 connections

> 2) Your kernel cannot support the default_process_limit of 1200.
> In that case a higher default_process_limit would not help. Instead,
> kernel configuration or more memory (or both) would help.
5486 ?        Ss     6:05 /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/master
cat /proc/5486/limits
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit          
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited           
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited           
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited           
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited           
Max core file size        0                    unlimited           
Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited           
Max processes             257577               257577              
Max open files            4096                 4096                
Max locked memory         65536                65536               
Max address space         unlimited            unlimited           
Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited           
Max pending signals       257577               257577              
Max msgqueue size         819200               819200              

> 3) Some non-Postfix "security" feature is getting in the way.
> In the implementation, postscreen makes a non-blocking connect() call
> with a 1-second time limit, and immediately receives an EAGAIN
> kernel error code (immediately, because postscreen logs the same
> warning message multiple times per second).
>       Wietse


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