Hi folks, I moved from Postfix 3.1.15 to 3.5.6... It was mandatory to upgrade it in order to remove any legacy version (OS and Postfix) !
Before that everything was perfect : respecting the limit of connections for a specific route per IP with connection reuse without TLS ! Since moving from 3.1.15 to 3.5.6, we are receiving a lot of ‘too many connections’ deferred : 421 mwinf5c42 ME Trop de connexions, veuillez verifier votre configuration. Too many connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104] Here is my transport map : #ORANGE orange.fr orange:csp-audit.com orange:franceadhesif.fr orange:rgr-avocats.com orange:fermedevilliers.fr orange:abex-ec.fr orange:pyrcarto.fr orange:agencecharles.fr orange:emballagedigest.eu orange:da-conseil.com orange:somaris.com orange:auto3000sa.fr orange:batee.fr orange:dynamelec.fr orange:a4architectes.com orange:transports-fronton.fr orange:fruitaliance.com orange:exp-automoto.com orange:aaformation.com orange:aer-sa.fr orange:atalentec.com orange:bst.fr orange:cabinetec.fr orange:cabinetsecom.com orange:dhalluin-peny.fr orange:gescomm-fr.com orange:gsf-am.com orange:kalyseo.fr orange:mattholding.fr orange:mktool.com orange:quilico-archi.com orange:tea-cefi.com orange:tramobus.com orange: #WANADOOwanadoo.fr wanadoo: Here is part of my main.cf : smtp_tls_connection_reuse = yes smtp_connection_reuse_time_limit = 100s smtp_connection_cache_time_limit = 1s # Orange policy orange_initial_destination_concurrency =1 orange_destination_concurrency_limit = 1 orange_destination_rate_delay = 0 orange_destination_recipient_limit = 10 # Wanadoo policy wanadoo_initial_destination_concurrency = 1 wanadoo_destination_concurrency_limit = 1 wanadoo_destination_rate_delay = 0 wanadoo_destination_recipient_limit = 10 Here is part of my master.cf : # ========================================================================== # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100) # ========================================================================== orange unix - - y - 2 smtp wanadoo unix - - y - 1 smtp *As you can notice maxproc = 2 for orange route, but as you know (I won’t learn you anything) Orange + Wanadoo is a 3 connection limit (recommended 2 for Orange and 1 for Wanadoo).* I’ve asked the MBP and he confirmed that we have more than 3 connexions at the exact same time... Does anyone know if Postfix changed the way it is managing connections (something like moving from connection limit to active connection limit ? that could be an explanation ==> active + idles > 3) ? For information, adding TLS or not, does not change this issue... Does anyone have any advice to tune my conf in order to avoid such issues ? If you need more elements, feel free to ask ! Regards, -- Yves-Marie LE PORS-CHAUVEL Email Product Manager *T: +33 2 23 45 57 99* (3043) 23, rue du Bignon - 35 135 Chantepie www.ccmbenchmark.com