I have Postfix (3.6.3, FreeBSD 12) forward mail for a user to a script

maild: "| /usr/local/sbin/mailsave"

The messages have From and id lines which break Python's (3.7) email.Parser

Can you prevent Postfix from adding these lines?


>From webe...@host.my.tld  Sun Nov 21 19:11:19 2021
Return-Path: <webe...@host.my.tld>
X-Original-To: maild@my.virtual
Delivered-To: ma...@host.my.tld
Received: by host.my.tld (Postfix, from userid 1001)
id D3DFD783; Sun, 21 Nov 2021 19:11:19 +0100 (CET)
To: maild@my.virtual
Subject: s1
Message-Id: <20211121181119.d3dfd...@host.my.tld>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2021 19:11:19 +0100 (CET)
From: Jürgen Weber <webe...@host.my.tld>


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