>>>>> "ptld" == postfix  <post...@ptld.com> writes:

>> How can I reject connections from generic Forward Confirmed Reverse DNS
>> (FCrDNS) like “123-45-67-8.your.isp.com”.

ptld> I do not know if there is an easier way but you could make a script using
ptld> check_policy_service or a milter to check if client name contains client
ptld> IP. However i wonder how complicated the filter rules would be
ptld> considering IPv6 and the different ways an address could be abbreviated.
ptld> I have also seen some providers reverse the IPv4 in the FQDN. Also some
ptld> legit mailers include the last part of the servers IP in the FQDN for
ptld> large companies with many servers like gmail/google.

I am interested only in IPv4. I know with Spamhaus some ISPs, Cloud Service
Providers are blocked with policy block lists.

Funny I discovered this when I wanted to register to barracudacentral.org rbl.
It was blocked by Spamhaus. Now they have cleared their AWS ip from Spamhaus
and this time their DMARC policy is rejected them.

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