On 29/10/21 2:53 pm, Peter wrote:
On 28/10/21 9:39 pm, richard lucassen wrote:
Hello list,

Anyone here who wrote a shell script that deletes messages older than X
days from the hold queue?

It's just a one-liner with postqueue -j and a bit of perl:

postqueue -j | perl -MJSON -MData::Dumper -ne 'my $j = decode_json($_); next unless $j->{queue_name} eq "hold" && (time()-$j->{arrival_time}) > 86400; system qw(postsuper -d),$j->{queue_id};'

86400 is the number of seconds in a day, adjust accordingly.

Or even better:

postqueue -j | perl -MJSON -MData::Dumper -ne 'my $j = decode_json($_); next unless $j->{queue_name} eq "hold" && (time()-$j->{arrival_time}) > 86400; print $j->{queue_id},"\n"' | postsuper -d -

...and Viktor gave an example with jq instead of perl, take your pick of which tool you'd rather use, but I would avoid grep and sed. What's the point of even using JSON output if you're going to turn around and hack at it with grep and sed?


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