Indeed. So it would seem I have been lost in the dark. Thanks for sharing that 
reference, makes sense now. Purely a sending mta configuration issue, nothing 
more complex than that.


On 7/10/2021, at 19:04, Viktor Dukhovni <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 06:50:22PM +1300, AndrewHardy wrote:
>> Looks like as long as STARTTLS is present in the server response then
>> it doesn’t matter if it’s a hyphen or space and the s_client.c library
>> suggests it just looks for that keyword so that confirms it. Helps to
>> tell it to encrypt outbound ;)
> In you struggle to explain unexpected symptoms, you've managed to grasp
> at non-existent straws.
>   ...
>   Normally, the response to EHLO will be a multiline reply.  Each line
>   of the response contains a keyword and, optionally, one or more
>   parameters.  Following the normal syntax for multiline replies, these
>   keywords follow the code (250) and a hyphen for all but the last
>   line, and the code and a space for the last line.  The syntax for a
>   positive response, using the ABNF notation and terminal symbols of
>   RFC 5234 [7], is:
>   ...
>   The reply text may be longer than a single line; in these cases the
>   complete text must be marked so the SMTP client knows when it can
>   stop reading the reply.  This requires a special format to indicate a
>   multiple line reply.
>   The format for multiline replies requires that every line, except the
>   last, begin with the reply code, followed immediately by a hyphen,
>   "-" (also known as minus), followed by text.  The last line will
>   begin with the reply code, followed immediately by <SP>, optionally
>   some text, and <CRLF>.  As noted above, servers SHOULD send the <SP>
>   if subsequent text is not sent, but clients MUST be prepared for it
>   to be omitted.
>   For example:
>      250-First line
>      250-Second line
>      250-234 Text beginning with numbers
>      250 The last line
>   In a multiline reply, the reply code on each of the lines MUST be the
>   same.  It is reasonable for the client to rely on this, so it can
>   make processing decisions based on the code in any line, assuming
>   that all others will be the same.  In a few cases, there is important
>   data for the client in the reply "text".  The client will be able to
>   identify these cases from the current context.
> [ Note that Postfix uses the reply code from the last line of a
>  multiline reply, and on rare occasions (IIRC only in postscree(8))
>  violates the requirement that the code be the same on all lines,
>  putting the definitive code last.  Some clients may not understand
>  the response code correctly, but such is life in the trenches.  This
>  should only ever be observed in negative replies to botnet clients. ]
> -- 
>    Viktor.

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