For example the following transaction will not show any errors in SYSLOG:
Out: 503 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled
Out: 221 2.0.0 Bye
You can use the existing notify_classes based mechamism and pipe
that into syslog.
notify_classes = protocol, ...
error_notice_recipient = syslog@localhost
syslog@localhost can be a transport_maps entry for a pipe(8)
service invokes a script like this to log the body of the
sed -n '/^$/,$p' | postlog -p info -t transcript
This can do the trick to some extent, but it can still be very verbose
since (by default) the entire transaction is included in the mail and
not just the relevant errors.
This 'entire transaction' is only a few lines:
220 greeting
ehlo command + response
mail from + response
rcpt to + response
data + response
quit + response
Also, at a quick glance, it seems that this approach would be missing
relevant client information, such as the client host/IP.
You have enough information in the maillog file. Postfix logs the
ehlo, mail from, rcpt to, and more. That same info is also in the
session transcript, therefore connecting them is not difficult.
With the enhancement I was suggesting a more "tightly coupled" approach,
like in the case of a "reject" log message.
For example, like this one:
reject: RCPT from unknown[X.X.X.X]: 550 5.7.25 Client host rejected:
cannot find your hostname, [X.X.X.X]; ...
That is not a protocol error.
Correct. It is not. The mentioned "reject" log message was just a very
loose example of how the protocol error log message might look like.
Logging every individual command+error would require major changes
to the SMTP server code.
Oh, I see. I was not aware of that :) . Thank you for the clarification.