> Forcing all senders to be "dan@mydomain" seems like the wrong 
> solution, but I guess that's ok if it works for you and no one else uses the 
> server.
> Sometimes when you hold a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Agreed, it is a bit draconian!  But there won't be any users of my server 
except for those who have phpBB accounts, and any email notifications they 
receive will come from the board administrator (me).  Perhaps when I'm smarter 
about postfix, I'll work on another solution.

> So where should dan@mydomain be delivered? If local, you need to 
> create a user. If it's supposed to go to gmail, either remove mydomain 
> from main.cf:mydestination, or add a transport_maps entry as a hint.

It is to go to gmail.  I tried the former, and indeed it worked!  Many thanks, 

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