This might help:
On Jul 11, 2021, at 9:58 AM, Wietse Venema <> wrote:
Ron Garret:
I have recently come under a backscatter spam attack from one
specific domain. This domain has blacklisted my server?s IP
address, and so bounce replies sent to this domain are piling up
in my mail queue and I have to go through periodically and manually
delete them. I don?t want to disable bounce messages in general
because I don?t want incoming messages with typos in the destination
address to just vanish into the cosmic void. Is there a way to
disable bounce replies for a specific domain?
Why is your server sending bounces (or any other email) to that
Because spammers are sending messages with forged return-path headers to
invalid addresses on my server. It’s called backscatter:
It’s actually possible that I’m sending backscatter spam to other domains, but
only one has blacklisted me so far.