On April 8, 2021 8:29:09 AM GMT+02:00, Maurizio Caloro <mauri...@caloro.ch> 
I have the issue with mail from Outlook, or Hotmail this Warning appair
and the mail don't deliver to me.

Apr  8 08:04:24  ail postfix/dnsblog[7379]: warning: dnsblog_query: lookup
error for DNS query Host or domain name not
found.  Name service error for name= type=A:
Host not found, try again

root@nmail:/etc/postfix# cat /etc/resolv.conf



On 08.04.21 09:01, Christian Kivalo wrote:
You should not use public dns servers to query dnsbls as they are likely
blocked due to excessive query volume at the dnsbl.  Install and use a
local resolver like unbound, knot, bind and use nameserver in

in addition to this, you can whitelist outlook's IP ranges at postscreen
level, as they "likely" aren't what postscreen is supposed to stop - bots.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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