On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 09:02:26PM +0000, Matthew Selsky wrote:

> Our transport table has:
> domain1.invalid                 affiliate:[external1.invalid]
> And master.cf has:
> affiliate unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
>   -o smtp_generic_maps=${ldap}generic-ldap.cf
> smtp_generic_maps is unset in main.cf:
> $ postmulti -i postfix-mta-out -x postconf  smtp_generic_maps 
> smtp_generic_maps =
> We get the following warning in our logs:
> 2021-02-16T20:41:17.544+00:00 server.invalid
>   postfix-mta-out/proxymap[634976]: warning: to approve this table for
>   read-only access, list proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix-mta-out/generic-ldap.cf
>   in main.cf:proxy_read_maps

Indeed, because your "$ldap" defininition in main.cf starts with
"proxy:ldap:", each LDAP table needs to be configured in

THerefore, you might want to actually "name" this table:

        affiliate_generic_maps = ${ldap}generic-ldap.cf
        proxy_read_maps = ... $affiliate_generic_maps

        affiliate unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
          -o smtp_generic_maps=$affiliate_generic_maps

> Is this only necessary because we're setting smtp_generic_maps in
> master.cf instead of main.cf?

Yes, because proxy_read_maps already tries to automatically capture all
the standard parameters that specify (lists of) tables.  But master.cf
is not covered.

It would be nice to have a "+=" syntax for Postfix parameters some day,
so that one could specify "default + custom", rather than stutter the
built-in defaults.


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