As of today, doc says for 'smtp_tls_CAfile': "A file containing CA certificates of root CAs trusted to sign either remote SMTP server certificates or intermediate CA certificates."
and for 'smtp_tls_CApath': "Directory with PEM format Certification Authority certificates that the Postfix SMTP client uses to verify a remote SMTP server certificate." On one hand, it looks that a remote server intermediate CA certificate (think about a remote server that does not send its intermediate CA certificate) does not fit in 'smtp_tls_CAfile' but in 'smtp_tls_CApath'. On the other hand, it looks that both variables do the same job, but one of them from a file and the other from a directory. Moreover, I have appended an intermediate CA certificate to 'smtp_tls_CAfile' and it seems to work for a remote server that does not provide it. Am I misunderstanding the documentation? Is there a right place to drop the intermediate CA certificate?