I've a couple security/spam questions for the more experienced.

1(a)  A while back Gary <li...@lazygranch.com> noted the very useful
http://dkimvalidator.com/ .  It has the curious habit of
simultaneously saying

    Validating Signature

    result = pass

in the DKIM section and this sort of thing in the samassassin section:

    SpamAssassin Score: 0.201
    Message is NOT marked as spam
    Points breakdown:
     0.0 SPF_HELO_NONE          SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record
     0.1 DKIM_SIGNED            Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not
     0.1 DKIM_INVALID           DKIM or DK signature exists, but is not

Is this normal or a point for worry?  It did say "not spam".

1(b)  I've noticed that my domain key record tends to get spaces
inserted.  I presume strings get concatenated and so this isn't a
source of concern.  But I've not found that documented.  (I didn't
read the RFC cover to cover, I admit.)

I think that section 2.8 (whitespace) of RFC 6376 and the BNF that
follows says that white space doesn't count.  There are over 200
pages of RFC on DKIM (that I found before I got tired of looking).

    jeff@birdsong:~ $ host -t TXT mail._domainkey.p27.eu
    mail._domainkey.p27.eu descriptive text "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa;
    jeff@birdsong:~ $

2(a)  I get lots of dmarc reports.  After looking at a few, I started
pushing them to a special dmarc mailbox where I don't have to see
them.  Is there any sense in which these are actionable ?  Should I
occasionally look at them or set a machine to look at them?  Are there
any easy ways to look at them, say a mutt viewer?  (Detach, ungzip,
and dmarc-cat doesn't scale.)  Or automated tools?

2(b)  Is there any general guidance for whether to set the policy to
nothing, spam, or reject?

3.  I'm finding that occasionally sites will stop delivering our mail.
Sometimes they explain it (hotmail refusing to accept) and one can
flag it.  Other times (OVH recently) someone just stops seeing my
mail at all.  Some sites claim that ISPs block entire /24's, which
strikes me as oddly indiscriminant post-1990 or so.  Is this all

I sometimes think the world just wants small site operators to believe
that they should be paying the big guys instead. ;-)

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255


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