On 2021-01-24 01:26, P. Ik. wrote:
-take mail in from internet for delivery only to local email addresses
on this server (I have 3 total local addresses)
-local addresses on this server can send mail to any address
-local delivery is forwarded to a gmail account
Forwarding and reception to gmail works fine.
so so, forwarding spam is not a relay problem
as i read the problem is you accept to much emails to system users ?,
but you did not provide a local recipient maps, so in practical accept
all and forward it to gmail
what ips have mydestination domains ?, does localhost.mydomain resolve
to and ::1 ?
how is mynetworks configured ?, have to many ips there will give open
relay symtoms
[1] http://mail.MY_DOMAIN.com
[2] http://smtp.gmail.com
[3] http://cbl.abuseat.org
[4] http://zen.spamhaus.org
[5] http://sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
[6] http://bl.spamcop.net
[7] http://dsn.rfc-ignorant.org
[8] http://dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net
[9] http://ix.dnsbl.manitu.net
[10] http://combined.rbl.msrbl.net
[11] http://rabl.nuclearelephant.com
[12] http://dbl.spamhaus.org
zen.spamhaus includes all other rbls there so only zen is neeeded
cbl is in zen aswell
rfc-ignorant is empty zone imho
show logs of rejects could help
need more info