On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 03:11:13PM -0500, James B. Byrne wrote: > JAVA_VERSION="12" java > -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/opt/idempiere/idempiere-server/jettyhome/etc/keystore > -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=testing SSLPoke 465
This is largely a non-Postfix issue. You're struggling to configure and use some Java software, and this is not the forum for support with that. It is, however, fair to ask here for clarification of Postfix error messages, and any issues with configuring the certificates/keys for a Postfix SMTP server or client. The particular error is unequivocally the client not liking the server certificate chain. If the server certificate chain (which you can test with: posttls-finger -cC -F /some/CAfile -l secure "[server-name]:25" is as expected, then debugging the client's unhappiness is a proper topic for a different forum. -- Viktor.