PGNet Dev:
> A frontend postfix install I've in place is being subject to a
> literal tear-down+relocate of its various backends (relays to other
> postfix & imap instances).
> The building's being torn down, and the occupant's relocating.
> Not the best managed process, but oh well.
> It's a one-time event; not something I want/need to replicate in the future.
> The frontend itself will stay up, and in-service; it's on an offsite VM.
> For that period, I'd like to 'simply' redirect any/all mail
> received by the frontend to a few mail addresses hosted at a mail
> provider.
> Specifically,
>       if TO:, redirect-to:
>       if TO:, redirect-to:
>       if TO: *@example*.com,     redirect-to:

This would be good fit for virtual_alias_maps (and maybe adding
domains to virtual_alias_domains, see note below). virtual_alias_maps
replaces the envelope recipient without replacing header addresses,
and it works for single-recipient mail equally well as multi-recipient

You cam use a hash: map, a regular expression map, or some combination
of the two.

If you also add to virtual_alias_domains, Postfix will
reject mail for if that address is not listed in


> , ideally 'touching' as little as possible of my existing config; the goal 
> being to make minor change, then reverse it soon-enough.  I don't want the 
> bother of spinning up a separate set of backends for this event.
> I suspect a map is appropriate (transport?), likely added to ...
> The operating goal is to make all received email accessible/retrievable for 
> the 'down' period.
> It doesn't have to be 'pretty', but I would like to avoid shooting myself in 
> the foot.
> Advice/recommendations as to how best to do this -- or what to avoid! -- 
> would be appreciated.

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