PGNet Dev:
> my clamav-milter.conf includes
>       VirusAction /usr/local/etc/clamav/scripts/
> where that script _does_ invoke sendmail.
> found this process
>       ps ax | grep virus
>               15670 ?        S      0:00 /bin/bash 
> /usr/local/etc/clamav/scripts/ 
> Sanesecurity.Jurlbl.Auto.85a586.UNOFFICIAL 4DLaEC42Q6z2Q 
> Engineer Tee Shirt & Science Tee 
> Shirt <> 
> Tue, 27 Oct 2020 17:29:06 -0700
> hanging around, obviously dealing with a spammy "Engineer Tee Shirt & Science 
> Tee Shirt" send.
> i killed it & verified that the current stream of
>       warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/731085.15673: 
> Permission denied
> in postfix logs indeed stops.
> so, seems like a likely bet!

One possible way out is to skip the Postfix sendmail command, and
to use a "mini sendmail" program that submits mail via SMTP.
Obviously that will fail when Postfix is down.

It is theoretically possible to build a 'submit via authenticated
SMTP' mode into the Postfix sendmail command, and/or to save
unsubmitted mail to ~/dead.letter, but both add complexity (new
bugs) and introduce new failure modes (more bugs).


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