On 10/25/20 2:46 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> postfix-3.6-20201025 has a preliminary implementation to limit the
> envelope senders that a local user may specify to the Postfix
> sendmail (or postdrop) command. The real work is done in a library
> module, so that similar functionality can later be added to the
> Postfix SMTP daemon.
> Source:
> http://ftp.porcupine.org/mirrors/postfix-release/index.html

I looked at the source code, and all I can say is: Wow.  Thank you,
Wietse!  Your implementation is indeed of very high quality.
Certainly better than mine!

> Manual:
> http://www.porcupine.org/postfix-mirror/postconf.5.html#local_login_sender_maps

Nit: Given the quoted localpart TODO, it might be a good idea to
suggest limiting the character set that will be matched.  On a system
I ran, I would use:

    # Allow both the bare username and user@domain forms.
    /([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*)$/iAE      $1, $1...@example.com

but the regex will of course be system-dependent.  I say "might"
because one could reasonably argue that if a user is allowed to login
with a username containing a comma or space, something has already
gone wrong.

> I still need to add some credits to the HISTORY file, and update
> the RELEASE_NOTES file with a feature summary.
>       Wietse


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