On 10/20/20 8:20 PM, IL Ka wrote:
> /index.php?s=index/\\think\\app/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=phpinfo&vars[1][]=1
> That is fine: networks are constantly scanned by bots. They are trying to
> hack any site using well-known vulnerabilities.
> I have a lot of similar entries, although I do not have PHP on my site)
> I have never been hacked, but if I were, here is what I would do:
> * Reformat drive and install the latest stable version of your favorite OS.
> Be sure to upgrade it on the regular basis. Many OSes can do that using
> cron.

I agree, with the caveat that an attacker would need to have obtained
root access to implant a rootkit.  I consider the likelihood of this
high enough that wiping and reinstalling is justified.

> * Use the latest stable version of some mature framework and also update
> it. If you aren't using one, then make sure you understand how to write
> secure code and how to run it correctly
> * Close all ports except http, https and ssh (which you should move away
> from 22 port because 22 port is also scanned by bots). Disable password
> authentication for ssh (use keys instead)

If password and challenge-response authentication for SSH are
disabled, it isn't necessary to move SSH off of port 22.  SSH keys
are not vulnerable to brute-force attack, and last pre-authentication
vulnerability (other than denial of service) that I am aware of in
OpenSSH was in 2003.

Moving the SSH port can, however, reduce noise in your logs.
fail2ban and friends can help as well.



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