I'm hosting my dad's webpage which has a contact form (which should be
improved to avoid spam and/or bots) and from time to time someone
types multiple email addresses in the from field of the form so
contact emails with multiple from addresses like "from:
h...@example.com, f...@example.net" are generated. I though that those
kind of messages should get rejected and thought that maybe there was
a builtin restriction for this use case.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 10:12 PM Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:
> On 10/6/2020 6:52 PM, Pau Peris wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > is there a sender restriction to reject a message with multiple from
> > addresses? Which would be?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> If you're seeing multiple addresses in a single From: header you may
> be able to carefully craft a header_checks to detect them, but
> detecting multiple From: headers (more than one From: header)
> requires a milter or content_filter.
>    -- Noel Jones

Pau Peris Rodriguez
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Tel: 669650292
C/Balmes 211, Principal Segunda
Barcelona 08006

Aquest correu electrònic conté informació de caràcter confidencial
dirigida exclusivament al seu/s destinatari/s en còpia present. Tant
mateix, queda prohibida la seva divulgació, copia o distribució a
tercers sense prèvia autorització escrita per part de Pau Peris
Rodriguez. En cas d'haver rebut aquesta informació per error, es
demana que es notifiqui immediatament d'aquesta circumstancia
mitjançant la direcció electrònica del emissor.

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