
    I'm pretty new to postfix but I'm really glad that I finally made the
switch from sendmail. Postfix is just so much easier to use. This is my
scenario. I need to route emails based on regexps and I know how to write
them but I'm not exactly sure where in the configs to put them. For example,
I want to do this


/^To: [0-9]{10,11}@faxserver.acmewidgets.net/   faxadmin        # The user
part is a fax number

/^To: [0-9]{10,11}@acmewidgets.net/                     faxadmin        #
The user part is a fax number

/^To: .*@acmewidgets.net/                                       admin
# Catch-all for the domain acmewidgets.com

/^To: .*@foo.com/
fooadmin       # Catch-all for the domain foo.com


But I'm not sure these belong. Any insight at all would be greatly



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