On Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 01:00:20PM -0300, SysAdmin EM wrote:

> I'm trying to block a recipient's address (To:) but it doesn't work.

Please be more precise about what you mean by "block".  Are you
trying to:

   1. REJECT the recipient in incoming SMTP deliveries

   2. REJECT messages where that recipient is one of the possibly
      many recipients of the message.

   3. Silently discard messages where that recipient is one of the possibly
      many recipients of the message.

> # main.cf
> header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

Why are you trying to use header_checks and NOT an access(5)
table with "check_recipient_access"?

> /^To.*gus...@gmail.com/                         DISCARD

Since you don't operate gmail.com, this is likely a remote recipient
that you don't want your local users to send email to.  How do your
local users submit outbound email, is it via SMTP, or are they logged
into the Postfix server and sending email (indirectly) via the
sendmail(1) command (invoked via mail(1), Pine, Mutt, ...).


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