On 10 Jun 2020, at 14:37, PGNet Dev wrote:

spampd worked well enough, when listening on tcp host:port.
listening on socket, i couldn't get past postfix permissions issues, despite similar setup to other policy daemons in use. that makes me a bit antsy. as does not using 'native', up-to-date spamd.

It uses the installed SpamAssasssin Perl modules directly, just as spamd does. There's nothing about that which is not "up-to-date." The socket permissions issues are probably solvable, but if running on the loopback interface works, there's not a lot of reasons to prefer the socket. I'm not a big fan of spampd because it uses the proxy model instead of milter, but at least it isn't abandonware.

My favorite SA integration tool is MIMEDefang, but it is far from lightweight.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not For Hire (currently)

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