Why not take it off this list and contact the developers?
Users can't make small changes.
Enough already.
On 2020/06/07 12:59 PM, Pau Amma wrote:
On 2020-06-07 18:44, Norton Allen wrote:
[undeserved snippage]
Someone has suggested that we make a small change, a change that Black
people have said would make them feel better, and all we can do is
argue that making that change would be too difficult, unnecessary,
ineffective or etymologically inaccurate. Is that how you respond when
a neighbor asks a favor? Heck, is that how you respond when faced with
a technical challenge? Or do you stop for a minute to think about the
problem, how it might be manifested in different situations or for
different people, and start to try to figure out what you can do to
*standing ovation* Thank you for posting this.