
I'm on Postfix 3.4.10 and the following is driving me nuts:

$ postmulti -g mta -p status
postfix-authrelay/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 28832
postfix-inetgen/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 30572

$ sudo postmulti -i postfix-authrelay -p reload
postmulti: fatal: No matching instances

$ sudo postmulti -i postfix-inetgen -p reload
postfix-inetgen/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system

$ sudo postmulti -g mta -p reload
postfix-inetgen/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system

Am I missing somemthing stupidly obvious in my command syntax ?!?


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