I don't have the correct dkim entry in the domain?
El 26/4/2020 a les 13:18, Christian ha escrit:
Sorry if this has been tested before, but I joined the list only
Have you tried the google postmaster-tools for postfix.org and
especially adding the google-site-verification TXT?
Am Sonntag, den 26.04.2020, 23:07 +1200 schrieb Peter:
On 26/04/20 10:47 pm, Benny Pedersen wrote:
talk to postmas...@almogavers.net ask for aspf not being set to
also possible make fo tag on dmarc more relaxed
Except that this is a thread about what messages coming from the
go to spam and what the *list* can do about it. It is not
for the mailing list owner to ask every person who's messages go to
because of a bad DMARC policy to change the policy.
google do what thay are asked for here
I never said that they aren't.