On 23/03/20 3:40 am, Wietse Venema wrote:
Would removing Jaroslaw's email address would have changed the
'spam' ruling? We don't know that without further measurements.

Right, no real way to tell. At the end of the day it's a matter of jumping through as many hoops as we can and hope that it's enough.

I do believe that there are ways of doing the mitigations from postfix
and still retain mailman, but it may be a lot easier to simply switch to

That could be a hack like this (in Postfix or Majordomo):
- In Postfix, trigger on listmanager envelope address info
- Munge From: (combining original From: and listmanager envelope address info).
- Munge Reply-To: (using info from original From:).

Isn't it better to have Reply-To: go to the list?

- Strip DKIM, as the info would be invalid anyway.

I would add in DKIM and/or ARC signing. I honestly don't know if we can do both, but if so then we probably should. There may be servers that verify DKIM but don't know about ARC.

Switching list manager would be the better long-term option, but a
hack could be useful to address some individual cases in the short



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