Hello all,
I provide a base master.cf part of an RPM release that I'd like to give
users the ability to customize without overwriting each RPM release. Use
case would be allowing per-sender bind/helos using
sender_dependent_default_transport_maps or setting content milters
beyond the basics the RPM provides.
postmulti is one approach to this, but requires duplication of main.cf.
Further updates or reconfiguration to main.cf would need to be
propagated to each multi instance. Servers may be running over 50
sender-dependent SMTP services, which can add unnecessary overhead.
Are there any downsides with shipping master.cf.in + Makefile, adding a
install/update hook to make master.cf (cat master.cf.in master.cf.local
> master.cf)? Users could store their per-server overrides in
master.cf.local, master.cf.in would be distribution, and master.cf
continues to live happily ever after. Any other approaches to explore as
- Matt
- Templating master.cf Matt Saladna