Friday, February 28, 2020, 8:06:51 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas  wrote:

> On 27.02.20 08:09, Phil Biggs wrote:
>>A friend and I experienced this in October last year.
>>I believe these SYNs have forged source addresses. The objectives being one 
>>or more of:
>>- a DOS attack on the legit owner of the IP,
>>- create a state table size issue for you,
>>- to have you block legitimate sources.
>>The last of these certainly happened here.

> per my last e-mail...

> SYN with forged address can not cause this kind of error.  This error
> requires connection be made (until then postfix does not know about it) and
> then closed. Thus it requires SYN - SYN+ACK - ACK which does not work with
> forged address.

You are completely correct, of course.  I mistakenly replied to and quoted the 
OP instead
of Doug Hardie.  Very careless of me.  My apologies.

>>I set up a fail2ban rule to pick these up and, after one day,
>>nearly 9,500 sources had been blocked at the firewall.
>>However, the pf table included addresses that belonged to the likes of 
>>I dropped the rule and unbanned them after realizing that.

> It's more likely that messagelabs scan the internet for open relays,
> mailservers features to gather statistics about the internet.

The SYN (or SYN+ACK) attack was targeting whole address blocks belonging
to AWS, MessageLabs, a Turkish bank and many others.

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