> Thanks for replying.
> Ok no problem with this explanation, i'll try this smtp_mx_session_limit
> parameter.
> Howerver, and it has still happened few minutes ago, does it prevent Postfix
> to "vomit" all deferred mails and make the IP blocke again ?

You have failed to set POSTFIX OUTPUT RATE LIMITS low enough that
Postfix cannot send too much mail.

Instead, you are relying on INPUT RATE LIMIT from your sending app
to control the Postfix output rate.

> You say that slow donw apply wherever mails come from, ok. But the exact
> behaviour i can watch is :
> - when deferred queue is empty, with mails arriving from classic incoming
> queue, sending is "delayed"
> - when deferred queue has mails (even not many), Postfix requeue it, and IP
> is BL few minutes later

That is because you are depending on the INPUT RATE LMIT from your
sending app, and you have not properly set the OUTPUT RATE CONTROLS
that are built into Postfix.

Once again,

You have failed to set POSTFIX OUTPUT RATE LIMITS low enough that
Postfix cannot send too much mail.

Instead, you are relying on INPUT RATE LIMIT from your sending app
to control the Postfix output rate.


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