On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 15:20, Adam Barnett <a...@dneg.com> wrote:

> The from address will be, for example
> From: Jo Blogs
> But the return address and return path would be and different address from
> what Jo Blogs is
> I am 99% sure it is a user error, but just wondering if there was anything
> else to be done
> ______________________
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Dominic Raferd" <domi...@timedicer.co.uk>
> | To: "Postfix users" <postfix-users@postfix.org>
> | Sent: Wednesday, 15 January, 2020 15:15:30
> | Subject: Re: phising attacks
> | On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 15:09, Adam Barnett <a...@dneg.com> wrote:
> |
> |> Hi Postfix Peeps
> |> We seem to be getting more phishing attacks that are being clever. The
> |> address looks like it someone internal but the from address is not that
> |> person.
> |> Any suggestions postfix or otherwise to help with these
> |>
> |
> | When you say 'looks like it someone internal' what *exactly* do you mean?

There is plenty that can be done with header_checks (based on one header at
a time) but it depends on exactly what you are seeing, and you haven't
provided a full From header. Is the email address in the From header being
faked as well as the text, or only the text? For multi-header rules (e.g.
combination of From: and Reply-To:) you need something like postfwd /
spamassassin / mimedefang(?)

I don't see actual email addresses of our domains being faked in From
headers, but that's because we use DMARC with p=reject. But I do see the
text being faked, including inserting our names or a fake email address
(i.e. one of ours) before the real (foreign) address. I trap these.

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