L.S. Lately I find rejections in my mail log, my mailers all have ntp running, yet the reject reason is: 5.7.1 HDR9020 Date header is in the distant future.
Jan 6 18:18:24 mail1 postfix-in/smtpd[19887]: connect from english-breakfast.cloud9.net[] Jan 6 18:18:24 mail1 postfix-in/smtpd[19887]: E59C49805: client=english-breakfast.cloud9.net[] Jan 6 18:18:25 mail1 postfix-in/cleanup[19907]: E59C49805: reject: header Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 17:16:46 +0000 from english-breakfast.cloud9.net[]; from=<owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org> to=<r...@wagenaar.nu> proto=ESMTP helo=<english-breakfast.cloud9.net>: 5.7.1 HDR9020 Date header is in the distant future Jan 6 18:18:25 mail1 postfix-in/smtpd[19887]: disconnect from english-breakfast.cloud9.net[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=0/1 quit=1 commands=4/5 Anyone have an idea where I am to look for the problem? -- Roel Wagenaar, telegram: 0630865765 Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter; http://linuxcounter.net/ Antw.: Omdat het de volgorde verstoord waarin mensen tekst lezen. Vraag: Waarom is top-posting een slechte gewoonte? Antw.: Top-posting. Vraag: Wat is het meest ergerlijke in e-mail? Time is the best teacher; unfortunately it kills all its students!