Dnia 12.11.2019 o godz. 10:20:01 Snel.com - Yavuz Aydın pisze:
> reject_unverified_sender. It looks like our Postfix server accepts mail
> which has a sender www-data@hostname while smtp.antispamcloud.com reject
> the same mail for a specific hostname.  That specific hostname (a FQDN) is
> behind a CloudFlare DNS proxy so I understand why smtp.antispamcloud.com
> can't verify the sender.  What I don't understand is why Postfix accepts
> the mail.  The hostname does not have MX records assigned (the parent
> domain does and the parent domain has a catch-all account).

If you have an address username@domain and you want to send mail to that
address (and Postfix sender verification works just like that - attempts to
send mail to the address, and if SMTP transaction is accepted, cancels the
attempt and backs out before DATA stage), and "domain" does not have a MX
record, then, by RFC, A or AAAA records are checked for "domain". There is
no obligation to have a MX record defined for hostname to have mail
delivered to that address.

Maybe "smtp.antispamcloud.com" simply violates the RFC by rejecting domains
that don't have an MX record? (and Postfix does not)
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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