On November 8, 2019 1:53:13 PM GMT+01:00, Stephan Seitz 
<stse+post...@fsing.rootsland.net> wrote:
>On Fr, Nov 08, 2019 at 01:44:53 +0100, Stephan Seitz wrote:
>>Has anyone an idea how I can debug this further? Or why it is only 
>>sometimes working?
>I think I’ve found the problem. It happens if the subject has non-ASCII
>characters to the line looks like:
>Has anyone an idea how can I change the regex so that it works with 
>encoded subject lines? Or can I tell postfix to decode the line, then 
>employ the regex und encode the line again?
For such encoded content you need to match the encoded form. See 
I don't think that postfix is the right tool for this job, on the other hand I 
don't really see the problem you're trying to solve. 
Be careful not to break dkim signatures when modifying headers. Subject is a 
signed header in most cases. 
>Shade and sweet water!
>       Stephan

Christian Kivalo

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