Sven Bartscher:

Checking application/pgp-signature: FAILURE
-- Start of PGP signed section.
> Hi,
> Am 25.10.19 um 16:34 schrieb Wietse Venema:
> > Why does Postfix not log the original form in addition to the
> > internal form? That would require code changes to everything code
> > that logs an envelope sender or recipient. It would have to log
> > both the original form and the form that Postfix uses for table
> > lookup, otherwise table lookups would be difficult to debug.
> My first intuition on how to fix this, wasn't actually to change the
> logging drastically, but to add escaping for characters that usually
> have special meaning in the address. As an example
> As an example I would log this address
> "x@y.z> from=<a@b.c> to=<\x@y.z"
> somewhat like this
> to=<x@y.z\> from=\<a@b.c\> to=\<\\>

Make the backslash character special when logging the sender in
Postfix reject messages? Bleh.

I would prefer consistency, i.e. always log a sender or recipient
address in proper externalized form. 

    from=<"x@y.z> from=<a@b.c> to=<\\x@y.z"

There is a library function tok822_externalize() for doing the above
conversion. There are not that many places where =<%s> is called
with an address, so this is just some work. This avoids the need
to propagate both address versions through all of Postfix.


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