Sorry for the OT post, but I'm stumped and hope someone here can enlighten me.
When sending to a mimecast users, our mailserver timed out with. Looking at the logs, I see: Aug 9 07:39:48 smtp postfix/smtp[31712]: 060641011CF: host[] said: 451 Hostname is not authorized - [3xVXmRAsN4awNrHIyHCW5Q.us94] (in reply to RCPT TO command) Looking at the web page referred to in the log entry I find this: 451 Hostname is not authorized Omni Directional hostnames is enabled. Disable Omni Directional hostnames. I did a web search but can't find any other reference to "Omni Directional hostnames". What are they referring to that they don't like about the sending hostname ( No other domain is rejecting messages based on the hostname and the phrase "Omni Directional hostnames" doesn't seem to be industry standard nomenclature. At least not that I can find in my searches. I sent a query to which was duly rejected (not awfully surprised): '' ( Your message couldn't be delivered because delivery to this group is restricted to authenticated senders. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin. Again, sorry for the OT post but if anyone knows what the heck they're talking about I'd appreciate it... ...Kevin -- Kevin Miller Network/email Administrator, CBJ MIS Dept. 155 South Seward Street Juneau, Alaska 99801 Phone: (907) 586-0242, Fax: (907) 586-4588 Registered Linux User No: 307357