Fulvio Scapin:
> Hello to everyone.
> I've been trying to write a small parser to parse Postfix lookup table
> calls for a piece of code I am developing.
> I have taken a look at the source code and then resorted to postmap -q
> invocations to empirically test the descriptions at
> http://www.postfix.org/DATABASE_README.html .
> I am writing since testing out possible table values for the inline table
> has left me a bit stumped, since the results I get do no seem to match the
> description I read.
> Or, at least in a few cases, the description seems to mislead about what's
> actually accepted.
> Firstly, I haven't found around the Postfix documentation (and here I hope
> that somebody could point me in the right direction) how to use comma ?,?
> characters in keys or values; I assume it's not allowed but I haven't
> located any document where that's stated clearly, except for a few peculiar
> places such as the definition for inline tables.

You cannot use commas or spaces in (lookup table) pathnames where,
as documented, Postfix expects a comma-and-or-space separated list.

Apart from that, Postfix is written for UNIX systems. It would be
a mistake to use spaces (or other shell special characters) in


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