On 16 Jun2019, at 12:05, Bill Cole <postfixlists-070...@billmail.scconsult.com> 
> But they do.


> As the OP says, they support an outbound "smarthost" connector,

Not a term I’ve heard before.

> This is not such an unusual requirement. I have worked with multiple 
> businesses whose regulatory compliance relies on having all external 
> communication archived in real time to a 3rd party system. This allows users 
> to manage their mailboxes however they like without risking violation of 
> company policy or law. Often a 'global Bcc' is adequate for that but it can 
> be a better fit to put redirection a step away from the mail system handling 
> mailboxes.

I would have thought he way to do this is to use your own host for outbound 
mail, allowing you to archive copies of it however you want, rather than have a 
third party relay mail through you. You can certainly prevent connections out 
to other mail hosts so that your server cannot be bypassed inside your 

Obviously when out on the open Internet there would need to be a system on 
Microsoft’s side for these sorts of clients, but wouldn’t it be simpler to say 
“Hey, you’re a valid 0365 account, but you are only authorized to used 
[Corporate mail server]?

Using the corporate mail server as a relay struck me (and still strikes me) as 
the bassackwards way to do this, but I assume I am missing something in there.

He was Igor, son of Igor, nephew of several Igors, brother of Igors and
cousin of more Igors than he could remember without checking up in his
diary. Igors did not change a winning formula. {Footnote: Especially if
it was green, and bubbled.}

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