Jos Chrispijn:
> Hi Jan,
> On 30-5-19 14:47, Jan Ceuleers wrote:
> > Jos, what I think everybody is trying to tell you is that your cron job
> > has swept the problem under the rug, for now, but that it is still there.
> Yes, I noted, thanks for that.
> What I have done is running this batch after a Postfix or Dovecot update 
> and the issue has gone away.
> #! /bin/sh -x
> newaliases alias maps are not used by postscreen
> postalias hash:/etc/aliases that is like newaliases all over again
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/transport not used by postscreen
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/virtual_alias_domains not used by postscreen
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/virtual_alias_maps not used by postscreen
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/helo_checks not used by postscreen
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/sender_checks not used by postscreen
> postmap hash:/postfix/tables/spamtrap what is this?
> postfix reload
> postfix flush


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