
yes, the problem is the defaults rspamd is using don't correspond to
RFC6376, which is itself from 2011 but rather respect 4871 which is
older and was obsoleted by RFC6376.
Of course one is responsible himself but more sane defaults would be
nice here...
I will change that accordingly to RFC6376 (opendkim standard) now and
the problem should be gone here, too.
/dev/null is always the nice way :)


On 19/04/2019 15:48, B. Reino wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2019, TG Servers wrote:
>> Yes thanks Nick I am signing with rspamd and will have to check the
>> signed headers there
>> as this seems not compliant, I already checked that from the other
>> mails, thanks for the hint to you, too
> I also use rspamd, and had exactly the same problem you're facing now.
> I now (for some time already) use a more relaxed sign_headers in my
> local.d/dkim_signing.conf
> sign_headers = 'from:to:subject:date:message-id:in-reply-to:references';
> i.e. no oversigning and no "sender" in there.
> (I also have policy=none and send received reports to /dev/null but
> don't tell anyone! :)
> Cheers,
> Bernardo.

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