following the instructions given to me place the access in front of the rule that is not supported ips unresolved, and as I still have the same problems I added a debug to that ip that interests me and among other things in this debug I find this: 16:43:05 ns postfix / smtpd [28258]: generic_checks: name = check_client_access Apr 2 16:43:05 ns postfix / smtpd [28258]: check_namadr_access: name unknown addr
Apr 2 16:43:05 ns postfix / smtpd [28258]: check_domain_access: unknown
Apr 2 16:43:05 ns postfix / smtpd [28258]: maps_find: hash: / etc / postfix / access: unknown: not found
Apr 2 16:43:05 ns postfix / smtpd [28258]: check_addr_access:
my access file contains: OK

Where do I have the error?


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Description: Firma criptográfica S/MIME

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