De> Can you tell me witch param I need to change in to mount
De> the nfs to the mailq?

As others have said, you need to mount the NFS data store holding your
mailq onto the server.  But then you need to make sure your NFS server
is robust and reliable as well.  This starts to get into system
design, and how your system is designed with influence you Postfix
(and other) design choices.

De> Or do I need to make a symbolic link to the current mailq destination?

- Boot the VM/server running postfix.
- mount the NFS volume(s) you need.
- start networking
- start postfix

All of the above is setup in the VM's linux boot order.  I'm assuming
you're running postfix on Linux.

So put your NFS mounts into /etc/fstab on the postfix server, and the
system will boot up with the needed setup.

You will probably want to mount /var/spool/postfix  and /var/mail from
your NFS server.  If you have just one postfix server, then you don't
need to be careful, but if you have multiple postfix servers, they
each need to have their OWN dedicated /var/spool/postfix directory on
the NFS storage.

Making sure your NFS server is reliable is another problem.


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