On Feb 23, 2019, at 2:47 PM, Patrick Proniewski <pat...@patpro.net> wrote:
My try was a reply to Andrey saying that it's working and I should try.
On 23 févr. 2019, at 20:58, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
Milters that inspect message content can only be used downstream of any
pre-queue content-filter. If Andrey's message suggests otherwise, then
it is misleading or inaccurate.
On 23.02.19 22:53, Patrick Proniewski wrote:
Maybe my first post was not as clear as I though about my before-queue content
filtering setup.
Anyway is there any alternative to opendmarc that would be compatible with
BQCF? I realize a good place for that would be inside Amavisd-new, but
this feature is not available :/
whatever it is, running it as milter with your setup won't help. post-queue
filter might do that, or get rid of pre-queue filter, e.g. use amavisd-new
through amavis-milter.
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