> Hello
> Let me question about double bounce.
> I am using postfix 2.10.
> For double bounce, the document is too few to understand the behavior of
> double bounce.
> I confirmed the following documents. There is a point I do not understand,
> please let me ask a question.
> Postfix Address Verification Howtohttp://
> 1.About "By default, Postfix probe messages have a sender address
> "double-bounce@$myorigin" "
> What is "probe messages"?

probe = message that is created for the purpose to verify an email

> 2. About "Postfix always discards mail to the double-bounce address"
> By default, Postfix recognizes double bounce discard, is it correct?
> How does "double bounce address" detect  "double bounce ",and discard it?
> I can not find the document explaining the mechanism, so could you tell me?
> Or is there something helpful?

To recognize an email address, Postfix compares the content of two
character strings stored as a sequence of octets. One character
string contains "double-bounce" and the other contains informatiom
from an email address that resolves to the local domain (matches
mydestination or inet_interfaces).

"to discard" means "to throw away".


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