On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 09:26:29PM +0000, Noah Huppert wrote:
> Viktor:
> > What operating system is this on?
> Void Linux x86_64-musl

Never heard of it.  They seem to have selected LibreSSL, which is
not supported in Postfix.  And with the milter troubles you're
having, the simplest solution may be to use something more mainstream.

> > You'd have to do a system call trace of the (IIRC) cleanup(8) process, and 
> > perhaps also a tcpdump capture on the milter socket to try to tease out 
> > what's going on.
> Oh boy, will do.

You could start with running "cleanup -v" (change the master.cf
entry), and report verbose logging from one session where the milter
protocol fails.  That may be easier than "strace" and "tcpdump".


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