Am 22.12.18 um 07:55 schrieb Stefan Bauer:
nights later, a better approach seems to have a policy service that does
the tls pre-checking.
long time ago i wrote this
perhaps it helps
Something like this already around? ( i'm no coder but want to sponsor
that if someone can do it) pm please
Am Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2018 schrieb Viktor Dukhovni
< <>>:
>> On Dec 20, 2018, at 1:25 PM, Stefan Bauer <
<>> wrote:
>> I'm aware of such exceptions but I don't like to set them. Our
policy is safe or not at all via mail.
> That policy has a cost. You don't like the cost, but there it is...
>> I would like to have a setting like do not try next mx,
>> if first mx lacks tls support. it assumes that if tls is
>> not avail on primary it will for sure also not be avail
>> on second and third.
> Sorry, Postfix does not and will not do that. Data-mine your logs
> for deliveries that fall back to a dead MX host (connection failure
> and a large "c" value (>= smtp_connect_timeout) in the "delays=a/b/c/d"
> part of the log entry, e.g.
> delays=263861/0.01/60/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred
> (connect to <guilty-party>: Operation timed out)
> Then, if you refuse to ever deliver in the clear, reject mail to
> the domain.
> transport:
> <> error:5.1.2:Destination domain does
not support STARTTLS
> --
> --
> Viktor.
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